Cigar side Box Books x2 £18.79
Dimensions of each book: H-14.5cm W-7.5cm D-3cm
Page size- 7cm x 14cm- portrait
No. of pages (sides) x144

These books are made from side panels from rescued cuban cigar boxes. The side panels of each box are dismantled to form the back and front covers of the books. The inside of the covers are decorated with rescued vintage papers.
x72 pages of thick cartridge paper (170gsm)- suitable for writing on or can used as an artist sketching book as it lays flat when opened.

One of Pair
x72 pages of thick cartridge paper (170gsm)- suitable for writing on or can used as an artist sketching book as it lays flat when opened.
Binding - long adapted stitch and wound kettle-stitch with waxed linen thread.

Dimensions: H-20cm W-14.7cm D-2.5
Page size- 14cm x 19.5cm- portrait
No. of pages (sides) x112

Binding - long stitch and wound kettle-stitch with waxed linen thread.

x144 pages of thick cartridge paper (170gsm)- suitable for writing on or can used as an artist sketching book as it lays flat when opened.

This book is made from a rescued cuban cigar box. The base and top of the box was dismantled to form the back and front covers of the book. The inside of the cover is decorated with rescued vintage paper.

Dimensions: H-20cm W-14.7cm D-3cm
Page size- 14.5cm x 19cm- portrait
No of pages (sides) x144

Binding - long stitch and wound kettle-stitch with waxed linen thread.

Dimensions: H-20cm W-14.7cm D-3cm
Page size: 14.5cm x 19cm- portrait
No. of pages (sides) x144

x144 pages of thick cartridge paper (170gsm)- suitable for writing on or can used as an artist sketching book as it lays flat when opened.